New! Majuscule Practice Pages Printable Workbook
• Letter broken out into individual strokes with directional arrows showing how to form each stroke
• 2 Full rows of tracing letters
• 2 Rows of alternating tracing letters, giving you “training wheels” to try the letter on your own, and then correct any mistakes on a tracing letter
• 2 Freehand rows where you can practice writing the letters on your own
• Date and notes section for recording information about your practice, such as ink and nib used
• Encouraging quote or calligraphy tip at the bottom of the page (different quotes on every page!)
Beginner Copperplate Worksheets Complete Set
Tracing worksheets for beginners and experienced calligraphers alike. Complete 23-page set includes all uppercase and lowercase letters A-Z, numbers, punctuation, combinations, exemplar, and blank guidelines.
Made for pointed pen calligraphy, but also works for brush pen calligraphy.
• C O N T E N T S •
• Supply List
• Copperplate Exemplar
• 4 Strokes Worksheets
• 4 Lowercase Worksheets a-z
• 4 Uppercase Worksheets A-Z
• 5 Making Connections Worksheets
• 3 Numbers and Punctuation Worksheets
• Blank Guidelines
• C O M P A N I O N videos •
My Instagram TV channel @kallialitheia has over 30 free companion videos for learning the proper formation of the lowercase letters. In addition, my blog has a growing resource of tutorials and other free worksheets for practicing calligraphy.
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Copperplate Worksheets–Lowercase Strokes and Letters
Printable tracing worksheets for beginners and experienced calligraphers alike. This Lowercase Strokes and Letters set includes the minuscule strokes worksheet, all lowercase letters worksheets from a-z and blank guidelines. Free companion videos are available in my IG TV channel @kallialitheia. Made for pointed pen calligraphy, but also works for brush pen calligraphy.
• C O N T E N T S •
• Strokes Worksheet
• 4 Lowercase Letters Worksheets
• Blank Guidelines
Scroll through the slideshow to see what’s in this worksheet packet. Click the slideshow to enlarge.
Copperplate Worksheets–Uppercase Strokes and Letters
This Uppercase Strokes and Letters set includes the majuscule strokes worksheets, all uppercase letters worksheets from A-Z and blank guidelines. These are printable worksheets made for pointed pen or brush calligraphy.
• C O N T E N T S •
• 2 Strokes Worksheets
• 4 Uppercase Letters Worksheets
• Blank Guidelines
Scroll through the slideshow to see what’s in this worksheet packet. Click the slideshow to enlarge.
Copperplate Worksheets–Making Connections
There are 676 unique possibilities of letter combinations. However, because multiple letters employ the same entrance and exit strokes, all you have to practice is 19 types of combinations, and you will be prepared to handle any letter combo. This set provides each of those combinations to practice individually, and some of them to practice within words.
• C O N T E N T S •
• 3 Combinations Worksheets
• Word Practice Worksheet
• Pangram Practice Worksheet
• Blank Guidelines
Scroll through the slideshow to see what’s in this worksheet packet. Click the slideshow to enlarge.
Copperplate Worksheets–Numbers and Punctuation
This Numbers and Punctuation set includes the numbers 0-9, punctuation marks and blank guidelines. Made for pointed pen calligraphy, but also works for brush pen calligraphy. Developing skill with writing numbers and punctuation can truly be the factor that sets apart your calligraphy and makes it professional. This set prepares you to learn envelope addressing and gives you the practice sheets you need to complete the punctuation when writing passages.
• C O N T E N T S •
• 3 Numbers and Punctuation Worksheets
• Blank Guidelines
Scroll through the slideshow to see what’s in this worksheet packet. Click the slideshow to enlarge.