Need a quick Thanksgiving card or artwork for your centerpiece? Download this printable pumpkin template and watercolor pumpkin tutorial with bonus calligraphy guidelines for a pumpkin-shaped masterpiece!

Supplies for Painting Watercolor Pencil Pumpkins

Supplies for Watercolor Pumpkin Card

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Pumpkin card template

1. Cut watercolor paper to 7” x 10”, score across the middle on the 10” side so that card folds to 7” x 5” finished size (but don’t fold yet).

2. Place cut watercolor paper on top of printable pumpkin template (available in the free downloads worksheet library) within the border lines and tape down with washi tape.

3. Using light pad underneath, trace pumpkin design with micron pen size 02.

Color pumpkins with colored pencils

4. Color pumpkins with watercolor pencils, adding heavier layer around edges.

5. Paint over the colored pencils with water, rinsing brush between colors and being careful not to overlap the colors to avoid color blending. Allow to dry.

paint with water over watercolor pencils

6. Write message under the pumpkins with pen of choice using guidelines provided. The printable contains a tracing example of the phrase “give thanks” as well as a blank guideline sample where you can write your own phrase. If you aren’t yet comfortable with a pointed pen, I would like to invite you to sign up for my free mini-course that will get you started learning calligraphy today. The first lesson is only 5 minutes.

7. After watercolor is sufficiently dry, you can turn the card upside down and draw flourishes with pointed pen off the top of the pumpkins

8. After watercolor is completely dry, use sepia Micron 01 pen to add accent lines and dots, veins in leaves, etc. to give dimension.

watercolor pumpkin tutorial sample

9. Remove card from template, fold in half on the scored line.

10. Place on table-scape or write a note to a friend and deliver with baked goodies!

Learn Calligraphy with a Free Mini-Course

Making the pumpkin card does not require having calligraphy skills, however every handmade card is made more special with pointed pen calligraphy. I have created an online course to teach you how to write beautiful calligraphy, even if you have never touched a pointed pen. The mini-course is available free and includes 3 short lessons that teach you what supplies you need, how to use the pointed pen, and how to write the most used foundational strokes in copperplate calligraphy.

Sign up for Free Calligraphy Mini-Course Here

If you’ve ever thought about trying your hand at calligraphy, you owe it to yourself to at least take the free course to get started. As a soon-to-be-doctor with naturally messy handwriting, I am proof that anyone can learn calligraphy. Having the right tools and a good instructor make all the difference! Join me in the free mini-course and see if learning pointed pen calligraphy might be your next favorite hobby (or career!)